Scene Setup
The following provides a brief explanation of the required objects / components needed in your scene for the asset to function.
At the minimum only the following is needed to be in the scene to get started:
- HVRGlobal Prefab: /HurricaneVR/Framework/Prefabs
- Rig Prefab
Example scene with the minimum required: /HurricaneVR/TechDemo/Scenes/scenes_barebones
XR Rigs
Two player rigs are included with the framework already setup for you. Have a read through the Rig Breakdown section if you want to learn more about it's setup.
Rig prefabs are located in /HurricaneVR/TechDemo/Prefabs/
- TechDemoXRRig: For use with Oculus / SteamVR plugins.
- TechDemoXRRigOpenXR: For use with OpenXR Plugin.
- The tracked drivers have been replaced with Unity's new input system tracked drivers.
- Prefab variant of TechDemoXRRig
Create a prefab variant of the Rig Prefab if you decide to customize the rig, as future rig updates will come in the framework prefabs.
This prefab is used to hold framework required components and should be placed into a master scene in your game. It is advised to make a variant of this prefab so that you can override the fields of it's components so that updating the asset in the future painless.
This component is required for the framework to function. It handles device detection and other various input functions. It automatically marks it's object as DontDestroyOnLoad so that it persists between scene changes.
The following fields are scriptable objects that you can clone to customize certain behaviours. Be sure to clone the original if you wish to modify the values and assign it in your own HVRGlobal prefab variant to make updating the asset easier for you.
Finger Settings
HVRFingerSettings scriptable object that defines how much each capacitive button affects the bending of each finger.
As of this writing, OpenXR via Unity still does not support Knuckles finger tracking out of the box, the KnucklesOverrideGripFingers can be enabled to fallback to standard finger curl behaviour like Oculus controllers.
Controller Offsets
HVRControllerOffsets scriptable object that defines controller offsets based on the active VR SDK and the device connected.
Grab Haptics
HVRGrabHaptics defines haptic values used in the following interaction events:
- Hand Grab
- Hand Release
- Hand Hover
- Force Grab
- Force Hover
Not entirely sure how useful device specific deadzones is, but each device can have a deadzone value applied. 'Override Deadzone' and 'Deadzone Override' can be used to provide a single deadzone value.
The controller component will ignore values less than the provided deadzones when reading thumbstick inputs.